Saturday, October 20, 2012

Message from Zach

Hey Guys, 

I want to check in and see where we are with getting everything done for Sunday. I have listed below what you agreed to do so please use this as a check list and try to have everything done for tomorrow's meeting so we can talk about next steps. Also, I don't have Ashley's email so can someone please forward this to her? Also Becca, Lisa and I will be coming with some guest that work in creative, advertising, TV so you can talk with them and learn more about what they do. 

Elizabeth V
- Video content (try to have someone from the documentary class come mid day to film about 30 minutes of the event ( such as setup, students, etc.)
- Staff shirts 
- Photos (you are going to bring your camera and take photos of the event)

Elizabeth B
- Schedule
- inventory sheet 
- sale signs (have four 8x10 signs that list what is for sale and the price of each item. 
-Have photos showing the students making the t-shirts and such 
- get all merchandise for meeting tomorrow 10/18

- Facebook, make sure there are post going up about the event and get school to like the FB page
- assist getting all materials needed for tent, (look at list of what is needed below)
- confirm designs and get t-shits printed (should be done)

- Twitter (make sure we are following all the participants in the festival) 
- assist getting all materials needed for tent, (look at list of what is needed below)
- confirm what time you will be done with cancer walk and when you will be at event 

- Promotion within school 
- assist getting all materials needed for tent, (look at list of what is needed below)
- work on inventory sheet with Elizabeth B

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